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This is it



12 February 2022: Purchased 'Jonathan Monk - Restaurant Drawings', KARMA Books, New York from MOMA PS1

18 February 2022: Profile 'DL' found on Grindr, New York, was online 24 minutes before



Continuing from my Queer project 'Lonesome Town', during a research trip to New York in 2022, I came across a profile on Grindr featuring David Hammon's In the Hood, 1993.  It's rare that such a provocative conceptual piece of art, with limited visual aesthetics appear on the app, as with any other art image found on the profile I added the screenshot to 'Lonesome Town', yet the second profile image is of another hood yet this time this image was a drawing of a hood on a restaurant receipt by Jonathan Monk.


For the first image, Hammon had appropriated an everyday item of clothing but only kept the cut off hood, and by naming this In the Hood - a geographical area of a location associated with urban and black communities for Hammon's metonym. 


For the second image, Monk has drawn the same hood on a till receipt which he has been doing since 2015 which are then posted on Instagram.   For Monk to draw this on a receipt is an extension of time and location, an activity of placement and his ongoing activity with the use of artists work being incorporated into his own art.


'This is it' is perfect art, it is about approaching art in new places, new contexts with linkages and narratives: beautiful serendipitous apophenia.




© 2025 Paul Jex | All images are the property of Paul Jex unless otherwise stated

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